Yaz Thoughts

Yaz Birth Control like any other drug out there has side effects and before you use any new medication, you should read all the warnings, read as much as you can about the drug before you decide if taking that particular medication is worth the risk to your well-being. While Yaz has these really cool commercials and ads promoting the benefits of Yaz, have you noticed the new ads explaining the side effects of it as well. yaz side effects include Headaches, Increased appetite, Decreased sexual activity and desire, Non-cyclical menstrual bleeding and spotting, Sporadic increases in weight, Vomiting, Stomach pains, Nausea, Vaginal discharge, Vaginal yeast infections and these are just the basic non life threatening side effects, seriously do you want to take a drug that causes any of these issues especially decreased sexual activity and desire, isn’t the whole point of taking a birth control so you can have sex? If you have no desire to have sex by taking Yaz, then what exactly is the point of taking Yaz? And that’s only basic non-life threatening side effect.

The serious side effects caused by Yaz are Heart attacks, Stroke, Deep vein thrombosis (severe blood clotting), Pulmonary embolism (typically a blockage of the main artery of the lung), Sudden death, Gallbladder Disease, Blood Clots, seriously do you want to take a chance and be that one person that dies from taking Yaz? Me personally, I don’t use any birth control medication anymore, I didn’t like the emotional mood-swings associated with taking birth control, its my personal choice.

But I think with all the new drugs out on the market for everything under the sun and for things we didn’t even know existed or had a problem with, most of them have way too many common and serious side effects. If you’re considering taking Yaz, as always, talk to your doctor, read the fine print, check out all the potential side effects before making your choice, check out this site: yaz side effects and then check out the FDA information too

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