if the cup runneth over

to design an adequate blog to match a website takes maybe 3 hours, I didn’t say great, but adequate. To design a great one probably 6-10 hours, so me thinks that for an hour worth of work, he might get a so-so design, a blob design or just a cookie-cutter design? I don’t know where my clients get the impression that I work for free or they can make up some arbitary number to pay me whatever they feel its worth. I have a feeling a few of these people just think that by bullying someone that it will work but little do they know, I get paid for a specific period, then whatever doesn’t get done this month, piles itself into the next month, if the cup runneth over, it doesn’t get done. Some clients see lots of detail and pull out one specific thing in a detail of 20 lines and question why that one thing took 4 hours, can they not read? And additional work requested is not free either, its billable unless I’ve forgotten that I’ve talked to you, then it might be free but in general all work requested is billable at my hourly rate, what part of that don’t people understand? enough bitchin…on to more important thoughts

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