common courtesy

I happened upon my bank today, I need to get the money into the bank so that many things didn’t start bouncing around like rubber balls and while I understand that shit happens such as a bank robbery (no, I was there when it happened, I came upon it after the fact) the common courtesy to customer would be to state “we just had a bank robbery and we’ll be closed down for a few hours, you’ll probably want to go to the other branch”  instead of it might be 20 minutes or so, possibly another hour while the FBI does their investigation, maybe another 20-40 minutes, we’re not sure because you know that they have procedures in place and apparently this bank branch has been robbed several times over the last year so they should know the drill and they must know how long it actually takes to re-open after a robbery. I was ok with waiting 20 minutes but when the numbers started changing and no common courtesty to suggest going to the other branch, I got annoyed. Yea, I went to the other branch and they told me it happens all the time, they are the closest branch to the one that got robbed and they always get the overflow when it happens and that particular branch would probably be closed the rest of the day.

Common courtesy is all I ask especially when its during the work week.

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