spoiled brat
My neighbor comes over to tell me his best friend is being a bitch and acting like a child leaving him horrible vmails, this same person uses my fax machine for his own benefit – giving it to his lawyer to send him a fax, then he continues to talk for an hour about how my fresh produce from the farm delivery service is odd and doesn’t look fresh and he’ll no longer take the eggplant which he agreed to 2 days agao – geez, it’s not the same as going to whole foods were the wash and put out the pretty display of produce, its directly from the farm and how my quick pickup vacumn cleaner isn’t the best on the market or how his best friend ditched him 2 days before the concert and how he’s such a poor baby that he can’t get to the stupid concert now – lets try a scenario, every other person in the world that wants to go to a concert without a car will figure out how to get there (aka bart, caltrain, bus, walking, you name it- they will get there instead of acting like a stupid spoiled brat, they will figure out how to get there) The world does not revolve around a spoiled brat, most people shy away from it, I can’t ever seem to make him go away. Both him and his best friend – yea, there’s a reason their friends, both spoiled brats in adult bodies. whew..feel better now, thanks for listening