getting rid of negative energy

I know, I know I just need to tell him that he needs to stop coming over here when I’m working and I’ve tried but today was the last straw, how can you not see that I’m working? I might work from home but from about 9am to 9pm and sometimes even later, I’m working and just because the door is open or my car is in the driveway, does not mean that I have time to stop and listen to how your life is unraveling, seriously. I feel like every single time he walks in the door uninvited, a wave of negative energy follows and I’m left annoyed and pissed off, all my energy is drained and any momentum I had to get my work load done in one day is just gone. Today I just ignored him, eventually he got the hint and left but I’m still left with no energy and annoyed. I so want my space back.

And I’m very peeved at what happen the other night, I finally relented and went to dinner with him, let me tell you I NEVER EVER WANT to do that again, unless I’m very very very drunk. The whole 3 hours of torture of listening to him tell me stories about himself and not once did he ask me anything about myself or seem to care about anything I was doing and the stories aren’t even that interesting especially when he repeats the same thing he told me earlier that morning. And we were suppose to go dutch, I paid with my credit card, I don’t carry cash on me and I said I’ll pay with my card, you give me cash. Yea, you can see where this is going right? He put his billfold away and didn’t give me half of the dinner. I didn’t have 45.00 in my account to pay for his meal too, I had enough to pay for my half.

Time to go relax, rejuvenate, gather my energy back and do a home protection spell because my home is suppose to be my safe haven, not a place I hide from someone, I shouldn’t have to close my doors to make him go away.

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