Endless days..

Do you ever have those days that just seem endless? Today seems to be one of those days and apparently tommorrow will be as well according to my horoscope…It doesn’t seem fair that your workload and list of responsibilities seem endless. Today, you may wish to call upon your charm and delegation skills and enlist the help of others. And if you can’t, simply do the best that you can without sacrificing time with your family and loved ones. Ultimately, JULIE, the latter is more important than the former. Extending a deadline isn’t the end of the world.

My last few weeks have felt endless upon endless, too much to do and not enough time or enough of me to do it all. I know that if I go work out at least I can have my down time that I so desperately need but this morning, my head had other plans for me, the migrane from hell. I woke at 6am, took migrane medicine and was zonked out, missed my appt with the personal trainer, barely remember talking to him and then day just got more and more full once I woke up. Work at a client’s site, errands to run after that at 8:30 at night, laundry – got to the laundry place late, came home with wet clothes, currently drying those, still need to clean the house – need to vacumn before my interviewee shows up in the morning at 9:30am and still much much work to do before i sleep..the day is endless upon endless.

And the only emails I got today, were from myself, so sad. Where are all the night owls to distract me?  Endless days…hopefully they will end soon..off to clean the house..get rid of all the feathers, apparently my cats have taken to eating birds as of late and leaving the feathers for me..amazing I never heard it through the night..endless days are zonking me out at night when I finally do reach the pillow..

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